When Do Babies Start Walking and How to Support Them

It is an exciting time for parents when their child achieves physical milestones. Parenthood’s most memorable moment is when their baby starts learning to walk. Watching your baby take their first steps and gain independence may be of the most surreal experiences of your life.

But when do babies start walking, and how can you support them during this important stage of development? Understanding the motor skills involved in walking, as well as the different stages of development, can help you provide your baby with the best possible support to reach this milestone.

In this blog, we will discuss when babies start walking, the different stages of development, and how you can support your baby during this important developmental milestone.

when do babies start walking

Stages of Learning to Walk

As babies develop, they become increasingly capable of balancing, coordinating, and supporting their body weight from one leg to the other. With these strong foundations in place, they’re ready to take the next step: walking.

At first, your baby will be struggling with keeping balance and coordination while standing up. Then they will move forward by learning to support more of their own body weight while switching between their legs. Gradually your baby’s strength and confidence grow as they practice supporting each side separately until, eventually, all legs come together in a steady gait.

Once the skill of balancing is mastered and the baby can confidently stand, it’s just a matter of teaching them to walk — taking those lovable tiny steps that are so cute! But in order to help them along this journey, you’ll need patience and plenty of positive reinforcement like ‘You can do it!’ or ‘Good job, buddy.’ That said, here are some stages of walking that you should be aware of:

Sitting up

By 6 months, most babies are able to sit up to a standing position. But they do that by supporting themselves on furniture, a crib, or a sofa.


Between 6 and 12 months of age, your baby will start crawling and become more mobile. This is an important milestone in their development as it helps them to build their leg muscles and coordination in their arms, legs, and core muscle strength. Another crucial piece here is practicing tummy time, which helps your baby to strengthen its neck control. So make sure you give your baby enough tummy time.

Pulling up

This is one of the first signs that a baby is getting ready to walk. At around 8-9 months old, babies will start to pull themselves up on furniture and other objects.


Once they have mastered pulling up, babies will start cruising around the room. This means they hold on to a piece of furniture or walls as they move around the room. This usually happens between 9-12 months old.

Standing Alone

At around 10-13 months old, babies will start to stand alone without holding onto anything.

Taking Steps

At around 11-15 months old, babies will start taking their first steps. They may take a few steps at a time and then need to hold onto something for support.

Walking Independently

Once they have mastered taking steps, babies will be able to walk independently. This usually happens between 12-18 months old.

when do babies start walking

Signs of Late Walkers

Sometimes infants may not walk by the time they are 18 months. If your baby happens to be a late walker, don’t worry. Every baby develops at their own pace and will eventually learn to walk. However, it’s a good idea to contact your pediatrician to make sure your child’s physical development is on track. Here are a few signs that late walkers exhibit:

  • Does not attempt to communicate with words or sounds yet.
  • Does not seem to be interested in peekaboo or other games
  • Is not able to roll from side to side or sit up on their own.
  • They can’t carry any weight on their legs yet.
  • Doesn’t display any behaviors which would indicate they want to get your attention.

In rare cases, when babies are not able to walk, it could mean a developmental delay because of a medical issue that needs to be addressed.

Factors That Affect When Babies Start Walking

When it comes to when babies start walking, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Every baby develops at their own pace, and there are a variety of factors that can influence when they take their first steps. In addition to personality, some of the other things that can affect when a baby begins to walk include:


Typically, larger babies take longer to learn how to walk as they require greater strength in order to stand than their smaller counterparts.

Birth Order

When a baby has an older sibling, they may be motivated to start walking earlier in order to keep up with them and imitate their behavior.

Recurrent Ear Infections

If a 16 month old or older child has not begun walking, this may be due to an ear infection. Having an ear infection can cause babies to lose their balance and take longer to learn to walk.

In addition, some baby health conditions, such as developmental disorders, neurological disorders, and genetic conditions, may impede children’s attempts at walking. Some more factors include:

  • Developmental hip dysplasia
  • Rickets (a condition characterized by soft or weak bones)
  • Muscle conditions such as muscular dystrophy
  • Personality differences
when do babies start walking and how to support them

How to Support a Baby’s Development in Learning to Walk?

Learning how to walk is one of the developmental milestones that babies reach as they grow. It is an important milestone that helps them become more independent and explore their environment. Here are some tips to help support your baby’s development in learning to walk:

Provide a Safe Environment for Exploration and Movement

Creating a safe environment for exploration and movement is essential for supporting a baby’s development in learning to walk. Parents should ensure that the area where their baby is learning to walk is free from any potential hazards, such as corners of furniture or objects that could be dangerous. Additionally, parents should provide plenty of space and plenty of time for their babies to explore and practice walking in different directions. This will help them build strength and coordination while also giving them the opportunity to practice taking steps independently.

Encourage Practice and Repetition

Encouraging practice and repetition is another important way to support a baby’s development in learning to walk. Babies learn best through trial and error, so it is important for parents to provide plenty of opportunities for them to practice taking steps. Parents can encourage their babies by clapping, cheering, or providing verbal praise when they take steps or stand up on their own. Additionally, parents can help their babies practice by holding their hands and helping them take steps.

Use Appropriate Toys to Promote Balance and Coordination

Parents can also encourage their baby’s development by providing toys and activities that promote physical activity. For example, they can offer toys that require crawling or standing up, such as push toys or balls. They can also provide safe objects like tunnels, and ramps, which will help babies learn how to balance themselves while walking. Finally, parents should make sure to give their baby plenty of praise when they take steps independently or reach new milestones in their development. This will help motivate them and boost their confidence as they continue on their journey toward walking independently.

Model Walking Behaviors

Model walking behaviors is an important way to support a baby’s development in learning to walk. Parents can demonstrate how to take steps by holding their baby’s hands and walking with them. This will help babies learn the basics of walking, such as how to balance themselves and coordinate their movements. Additionally, parents can show their babies how to move around obstacles or climb stairs. This will help them build confidence in taking independent steps.

Offer Assistance as Needed

Offering assistance as needed is an important way to support a baby’s development in learning to walk. Parents should be aware of their baby’s abilities and provide help when necessary. For example, they can hold their baby’s hands or provide verbal cues when they are trying to take steps. Additionally, parents can offer physical support by helping them stand up or providing a stable surface for them to practice walking.

Baby Proof Your House

Baby-proofing your house is an important part of supporting a baby’s development in learning to walk. Parents should ensure that their home is free from any potential hazards, such as furniture or objects that could be dangerous. Additionally, parents should make sure that all electrical outlets are covered and that any sharp edges or corners are padded.

What to avoid while babies are learning to walk?

Baby walkers

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against using baby walkers. Infant walkers are the cause of one of the most common preventable infant injuries in the United States. Babies may sustain injuries to the head or neck, making it quite dangerous. Even if you have to use it, make sure it’s always under close supervision.

Baby shoes

Shoes may hinder your baby’s ability to develop balance, leg strength, and coordination. Wait until your baby is able to master walking skills before you put shoes on them.

Carrying your baby

It’s natural to want to carry your baby when they are learning to walk, but it can actually hinder their progress. Carrying your baby prevents them from having the opportunity to practice walking and build strength in their legs. Instead, offer verbal encouragement and physical support as needed.

Don’t be forceful

Babies do not learn to walk overnight. It is a process that takes time and patience. Parents should not be too forceful with their babies when it comes to achieving their walking milestones, as this can lead to frustration and fear. Instead, parents should provide support and encouragement while allowing their baby to take their own steps at their own pace.

Summing Up

Exciting milestones, such as your baby’s first steps, are what make parenthood so special. To support your baby’s development in learning to walk, model walking behaviors, offer assistance as needed, and baby-proof your house. With patience and support from parents, babies will be taking their first steps in no time!


What’s the average age babies start walking?

The average age at which babies are capable of independent walking is 12 months in the United States. In some other cultures, babies may start assisted walking by 7-8 months.

Are baby walkers safe?

No, baby walkers are not safe. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against using baby walkers due to the potential for injury.

How to encourage babies to walk?

Encouraging a baby’s development in learning to walk is an important part of the process. Parents can provide verbal encouragement and praise when their baby takes steps or attempts to stand up. Additionally, parents can create a safe environment for their baby to practice walking by removing any potential hazards.

When can your baby start wearing shoes?

When it comes to wearing shoes, it is important to wait until your baby has mastered walking skills before putting them on. Shoes can hinder a baby’s ability to develop balance, leg strength, and coordination. Additionally, shoes can cause a baby to trip or slip more easily as they are learning how to walk. It is best to wait until your baby is confident in their walking abilities before introducing shoes. Instead, you can let them wear socks with rubber grips to avoid the risk of slips. But once they learn how to walk, you can get them a pair that is flexible, comfortable, and has nonskid soles and closed-toe. 

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