Is Lysol Safe for Baby Toys?

We want to do everything we can when it comes to keeping our babies healthy. This is especially true when it comes to cleaning their toys.

So, the question arises: is Lysol safe for baby toys?

In this baby toy cleaning guide, we will look at the ingredients in Lysol and whether they are toxic. We will also discuss other cleaning methods for baby toys that are just as effective but safer for your little one.

What is Lysol?

Lysol is a disinfecting cleaning solution commonly used around the house. It’s been around since the early 1900s and is still being produced for surface cleaning purposes. Many studies have been done about its safety and how much exposure babies should get to it. In general, Lysol is considered safe for use on children under six months old. However, if you’re using this sanitizing spray on your child, ensure they don’t put their hands in their mouth while spraying it. If they do, it could cause them to swallow some of the product. Also, keep Lysol away from eyes and open wounds.

Lysol comes in different trademark names, including Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, and Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner.

The active ingredients in Lysol

Lysol is a household cleaning product most commonly used to clean surfaces. It is typically found in aerosol form as a trigger spray or disinfectant wipe. The main ingredient in Lysol is ethyl alcohol, which is also known as ethanol. Ethanol is considered a safe ingredient when used in products like Lysol. It is often used in hand sanitizers and other personal care products.

Other ingredients

The other ingredients in Lysol are water, fragrance, and sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite is the ingredient that gives Lysol its disinfecting properties. It is important to note that sodium hypochlorite can be toxic if ingested in high doses. However, when used in cleaning products like Lysol, it is in a very low concentration and is not considered harmful. In general, Lysol contains no harsh chemicals that can harm your baby.

is lysol safe for baby toys

Is Lysol safe for baby toys?

So, is Lysol safe for baby toys? Yes, it is. The ingredients in Lysol are all considered to be safe and non-toxic. In addition, Lysol is effective at cleaning surfaces and killing bacteria. It’s an effective disinfectant for any plastic baby toy,  diaper pail, crib, stuffed animal, and toys with batteries. It is also great for cleaning baby furniture.

However, just be careful, as Lysol may be unfriendly to babies with sensitive skin. If you are looking for an alternative to Lysol, there are several other ways to safely clean your baby’s toys.

Alternatives to cleaning baby toys

Vinegar and water

One way is to use vinegar and clean water. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and can kill bacteria on contact. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle to make a homemade disinfectant spray.

Spray the solution onto the toys to get the surface wet. After a few minutes, wipe the surface with a clean cloth. Although it does not form a sudsy solution, vinegar and water is an excellent cleaning agents.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another way to clean baby toys is by using hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide is also a natural disinfectant and can kill bacteria on contact. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle to use hydrogen peroxide as a cleaner. Spray the solution onto the toys and let them sit for a few minutes. Then, wipe them clean with a damp cloth.

Natural solutions

Both vinegar and hydrogen peroxide is safe to use on plastic toys. If you have metal or wooden toys, you can also use these cleaners; however, you should test them in a small area to ensure they are not damaged.

When your little baby is born, your love for it is infinite. The baby brings you such a great bundle of joy that you’ll want to protect it from harm’s way, including the germs within your home.

Lysol baby toys

How To Clean A Nursery

1. Remove any debris from the nursery area before cleaning.

2. Use a hose attachment to spray down the entire area.

3. Wipe down the floor using a clean rag.

4. Use a broom to sweep away any loose dirt.

5. Wash out the water container.

6. Spray down the sides of the containers with a hose attachment.

7. Rinse off the containers thoroughly.

8. Place them back in their original location.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 if necessary.

10. Once done, wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth.

11. Apply a disinfectant to the surface.

12. Let dry completely.

13. Reapply disinfectant after drying.

14. Store in a safe place until ready to use.

Helpful tips when using Lysol wipes

  • Using Lysol wipes to clean a filthy toy will cost you money, as you will likely need multiple wipes to get the surface clean. Use soap and water to clean the toy first. Then use Lysol to disinfect and rinse the chemicals with warm water.
  • Keep Lysol away from sunlight, as it may lose its power.
  • Keep Lysol out of the reach of children as it may irritate sensitive skin.
  • Wipe hidden areas and joints in the toy, as they are the perfect hide-out for germs.

So there you have it! Lysol is safe to use on baby toys. We hope our advice helps you keep your baby’s toys clean and germ-free.


How to clean baby toys? 

You can either hand wash baby toys or use a washing machine to clean them. Set the machine to a gentle cycle and add the toys. Use cold water and detergent to wash them for the recommended time. It is best to use a separate load with water and mild detergent for bath toys. For effective disinfection of plastic toys, use dishwasher detergent and hot water.

After washing, rinse off any remaining soap residue before putting them in a dryer or using a hair dryer. Note that not all toys are machine washable or dryer safe. Make sure to read the toy’s care instructions. 

What is the difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting?

  • Cleaning means removing dust particles, dirt, and grime from a surface.
  • Sanitizing means removing bacteria and other germs on surfaces but not killing viruses.
  • Disinfecting means destroying viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and fungi using a disinfectant product like chlorine bleach.

Can I spray Lysol on baby toys? 

Since baby toys may be a breeding ground for germs, rinsing them with hot water or using a regular detergent may not be enough to keep them clean. You can use Lysol spray to disinfect the toys, but rinse any remaining residue with warm water before giving them back to your baby.

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